Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nailed It

Excellent quote from the movie "Just Married," starring Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy.
While I'm not a huge Kutcher fan, I found this movie to be brilliant--a must watch for married couples (especially new and young!).

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any of the clips I wanted on Youtube, but here's the advice from Tom's (Kutcher's character) dad when it seems like the new couple is going to get a divorce after getting back from their honey moon. His dad totally nails it.

Tom: I just don't know if love is enough anymore.
Dad: What do you mean, "enough"?
Tom: I mean... Even if Sarah and I do love each other... maybe we did need more time to get to know each other.
Dad: So...
[clears throat]
Dad: What your saying here is... you had a couple of bad days in Europe and... it's over. Time to grow up, Tommy.
Tom: Hmm?
Dad: Some days your mother and me loved each other. Other days we had to work at it. You never see the hard days in a photo album... but those are the ones that get you from one happy snapshot to the next. I'm sorry your honeymoon stunk but that's what you got dealt. Now you gotta work through it. Sarah doesn't need a guy with a fat wallet to make her happy. I saw how you love this girl. How you two lit each other up. She doesn't need anymore security than that.
Tom: Thanks, dad.

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