Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hobbits 101

My husband hasn't really seen Lord of the Rings*. He was asking me about it again tonight, after reminding me that I still haven't borrowed it from my little bro to watch.

Him: What's so cool about hobbits?

Me: Nothing really--that why it was so cool and inspiring. There was this evil ring they had to take to a place called Mordor to destroy it in the fires there. So, they had this meeting with all these guys who were tough and leaders and stuff, and they were all like "I'm not taking it; it's not my responsibility." And then Frodo, this little guy who's pretty much a nobody, stands up and says "I will take the ring." And all the other guys get quiet and look at him. And they're like, "Well, if he can take it, then I can go too. I can protect him." That's how they got the group together that took the ring. But it was really cool because Frodo wanted to take the ring even though he was just this little hobbit, because it was the right thing to do.

Him: Wow. So, it's like an ewok, basically? Not as cool as an ewok, probably.

*Don't worry; we're working on that. I HAVE to see the Hobbit in theaters. O_O

Photo source: http://krushworth.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/why-are-we-fascinated-with-evil-in-fantasy-books/

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