Sunday, July 28, 2013

Saying Goodbye

Some people claim that saying goodbye is tough. I say it depends.
If you're saying goodbye to a life of loneliness, degradation, and abuse, then it's actually rather easy in many ways.

I mean, the weeks, the days, the moments leading up to actually walking out and saying goodbye aren't easy. They might be the hardest and most scary of any moments you've ever faced. But once you break that boundary, step over that thresh hold--once you turn that fantasy of freedom into a reality--well, that's so much easier than you'd expected. You find your wings and soar free from your sad little cage.

A few weeks ago, I found myself pregnant, poor, homeless, and absolutely unsure of what tomorrow would bring, in any way. I'd finally left a repressive and abusive situation. And I was happier than I've been in a long time. I felt richer than all those around me; I felt on top of the world.

The fallout is a bit difficult--handling bills, canceling leases, paperwork--but it's not bad. Everything is GOOD. Life is GOOD. You choose the "goggles" you see life through.

I'm safe now, and I'm so incredibly grateful to be where I am, with the people I am with. I haven't looked back at my old life and missed it; I'm happy and grateful to be out of that situation.

There are so many wise sayings out there...One that I try to live my life by is "Never focus on what could have been." Focus on what you have now, and all the good you can get from it. There is no "what could have been;" there is only what is and what you will make of/with it.

In addition to working on a divorce, I am also expecting. (The countdown posts were counting down to the announcement.)
Right now, I just want myself and my child to be safe. Currently, we are. I pray that we will remain so for the rest of our lives.

As such, the Creative Housewife Chronicles is at it's end. This goodbye is a bit difficult. But I am now going to be writing a different blog--"The Creative Single Mom Chronicles."
I may not be a housewife any more, but I am still a creative woman who is full of and loves life.

This is not an end; it is a beginning. Thank you for participating in this journey through this chapter of my life. That chapter is now closed, and I'm ready to move onto bigger and better things.
I hope that my new journey will inspire others, particularly those going through challenging times.

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